Lasiurus borealis(Muller, 1776)
Eastern Red Bat
Family: Vespertilionidae

Specimens Prior to 1991
(Why two sections?)Why two different sections for specimen data?
Specimen data prior to 1991 was included in the first edition of the Bats of Texas and included only basic information. For the second edition of the book, ancillary information such as catalog number, sex, tissue numbers, etc. was collected.
Rather than mix the two sets of data into one table (which would include hundreds of empty cells for specimens prior to 1991), the two data sets were separated and formatted to best display the information.
Specimens examined, 522: Hans ford Co.: Gruver, 1 (KU). Hemphill Co.: Washita River, 4 (ANSP). Lamb Co.: 15 mi SW Littlefield, 1 (TTU). Wichita Co.: Red River Valley, 9 mi NW Burkburnett, 3 (MWSU); Burkburnett, 2 (MWSU); Wichita Falls, 29 (28 MWSU, 1 USNM/FWS). Clay Co.: Henrietta, 1 (MWSU). Lamar Co.: Arthur City, 3 (USNM/FWS); Paris, 3 (USNM/FWS). Red River Co.: Clarkville, 1 (USNM/FWS). Lubbock Co.: Texas Tech Univ. Campus, Lubbock, 1 (TTU); Lubbock, 3 (1 TTU, 2 UMMZ). Baylor Co.: Seymour, 1 (MWSU); Bowie Co.: 8.0 mi N New Boston, 1 (TCWC). Franklin Co.: 6 mi N Mt. Vernon, 8 (LSUMZ). Cass Co.: 2 mi E Domino, 2 (TCWC). Tarrant Co.: Hurst, 1 (UTACV); Fort Worth, 83 (1 DMNHT, 81 FWMSH, 1 TWC); Arlington, 8 (FWMSH); NTAC Farm, Arlington, 1 (TCWC); Univ. of Texas at Arlington campus, Arlington, 500 ft., 1 (TCWC); no specific locality, 1 (UTACV). Dallas Co.: Dallas, 5 (3 ANSP, 1 USNM/FWS, 1 UTACV); no specific locality, 2 (DMNHT). Marion Co.: Jefferson, 2 (USNM/FWS). Van Zandt Co.: 1 mi SW Grand Saline, 1 (TTU). Smith Co.: Tyler, 1 (TCWC). Erath Co.: Stephenville, 500 ft., 1 (TCWC). Rusk Co. 1.6 mi NE New London, 2 (SFASU); 6 mi E Mt. Enterprise, 1 (SFASU). Panola Co.: 7.5 mi ENE Carthage, 4 (TCWC); 6 mi E Carthage, 1 (SFASU); Hill Co.: 5.8 mi S, 3.4 mi W Hillsboro, 1 (TCWC). Cherokee Co.: Maydelle, 1 (SFASU); 3 mi W Forest, 3 (2 SFASU, 1 TTU). El Paso Co.: 8 mi E, 5 mi S El Paso City Hall, 3,700 ft., 1 (KU); Fort Bliss, 1 (USNM/FWS). Shelby Co.: Choice 1 (LSUMZ). Nacogdoches Co.: Martinsville, 1 (SFASU); Nacogdoches, 2 (SFASU); SFA Campus, 10 (5 SFASU, 5 TTU); SFA Experimental Forest, 2 (TTU); 6 mi E Nacogdoches, 1 (SFASU); Sam Rayburn Reservoir, 1 (SFASU). McLennan Co.: Lake Waco, 1 (SM); Waco, 6 (SM); no specific locality, 2 (SM). Limestone Co.: 7.8 mi S Personville, 1 (TCWC). Houston Co.: 6.3 mi N Ratcliff, 2 (UTACV). Angelina Co.: 23 mi S Nacogdoches, 1 (TTU); 5 mi N Lufkin, 1 (SFASU); 1 mi S Lufkin, 1 (SFASU). Trinity Co.: Trinity, 2 (1 TCWC, 1 USNM/FWS); 1.3 mi E Trinity, 1 (TCWC). Newton Co.: 11.5 mi N Burkeville, 2 (TCWC); 8.5 mi N Burkeville, 4 (TCWC); 7.5 mi N Burkeville, 1 (TCWC); 7.0 mi N Burkeville, 1 (TCWC); Newton, 1 (TTU). Jasper Co.: Bouton Lake, 1 (UTACV). Polk Co.: 2 mi E, 1.7 mi S Camp Ruby, 1 (TCWC); Big Sandy Unit, BTNP, 2 (TCWC); 4 mi W, 0.3 mi S Dallardsville, 1 (TCWC). Tyler Co.: 1.1 mi S, 1.0 mi W Town Bluff, BTNP, 2 (TCWC); 2 mi S, 1.5 mi W Town Bluff, BTNP, 1 (TCWC); 3.6 mi S, 2.9 mi W Town Bluff, 3 (TCWC); 11.7 mi E, 3.6 mi S Woodville, BTNP, 1 (TCWC); 12 mi E, 4 mi S Woodville, BTNP, 1 (TCWC); 3.8 mi N, 1.9 mi W Spurger, BTNP, 7 (TCWC); 0.6 mi N, 0.7 mi W Spurger, 5 (TCWC). Jeff Davis Co.: 8 mi S jct. hwys. 166 and 118, Sawtooth Mt., 1 (TTU). Brazos Co.: Bryan, 3 (TCWC); vicinity hwy. 21, College Station, 1 (TCWC); 4.0 mi W College Station, 1 (TCWC); College Station, 11 (TCWC); 6.5 mi SW College Station, 300 ft., 1 (TCWC); 6.5 mi SE College Station, 4 (TCWC). Walker Co.: 2 mi NE Huntsville, 2 (TCWC); Huntsville, 1 (TCWC); 16 mi SW Huntsville, 1 (TCWC). San Jacinto Co.: jct. farm rd. 945 and E San Jacinto River, 32 (TTU); 5 mi NW Cleveland, 10 (TTU). Sutton Co.: Sonora, 1 (TTU). Montgomery Co.: 20 mi SW Huntsville, 2 (TNHC). Presidio Co.: Chinati Mts., 14 mi E Ruidosa, 2 (TTU). Brewster Co.: Sul Ross Univ. campus, Alpine, 1 (SRSU); Mt. Emory, Chisos Mts., 2 (FMNH). Travis Co.: Austin, 2 (TNHC). Hardin Co.: 11.0 mi N, 2.3 mi E Silsbee, 1 (TCWC); 10.9 mi N, 1.8 mi E Silsbee, BTNP, 1 (TCWC); 10.5 mi N, 3 mi E Silsbee, 1 (TCWC); 9.5 mi E, 2 mi N Saratoga, 1 (TCWC); 7 mi NE Sour Lake, 1 (USNM/FWS); Sour Lake, 2 (USNM/ FWS). Liberty Co.: 20 mi NW Liberty, 1 (USNM/FWS); 12 mi N Dayton, 3 (TTU); Tarkington Prairie, 1 (USNM/FWS). Bastrop Co.: 16 mi NW Giddings, 2 (TTU). Val Verde Co.: Devil’s River, 1 (USNM/FWS). Kerr Co.: Ingram, 4 (1 UMMZ, 3 USNM/FWS); Texas Lions Camp, Kerrville, 1 (TTU); 8 mi SW Kerrville, 1 (TCWC); 8 mi SW Ingram, 2 (TCWC); 13 mi W Hunt, Kerr Wildlife Mgt. Area, 1 (TCWC); 20 mi SW Hunt, 5 (TCWC); 4 mi NE Center Point, 2 (TCWC); 7 mi W Camp Verde, 2 (USNM/FWS). Fayette Co.: Warrenton, 1 (TTU). Jefferson Co.: Port Arthur, 12 (6 SFASU, 6 TTU). Harris Co.: Westfield, 1 (SFASU); Houston, 4 (TCWC). Colorado Co.: Eagle Lake, 1 (KU); Garwood, 2 (MSU). Bexar Co.: San Antonio, 3 (1 AMNH, 2 FMNH); Somerset, 2 (TNHC). Kinney Co.: Fort Clark, 2 (USNM/FWS). Medina Co.: LaCoste, 1 (WMM). Galveston Co.: Bolivar Peninsula, 7.5 mi NE ferry landing, 1 (TNHC). Atascosa Co.: 7 mi SW Somerset, 1 (TNHC). Jackson Co.: Lolita, 1 (TTU). Victoria Co.: Victoria, 1 (USNM/FWS). Zavala Co.: Crystal City, 1 (TAIU). Bee Co.: Beeville, 1 (TNHC). Aransas Co.: Aransas Refuge, 1 (TCWC); Rockport, 3 (2 AMNH, 1 WMSA). Webb Co.: Laredo, 1 (USNM/FWS). San Patricio Co.: Welder Wildlife Refuge, 1 (USNM/FWS); Nueces Bay, 1 (USNM/FWS). Kleberg Co.: Kingsville, 2 (TAIU). Cameron Co.: Brownsville, 111 (7 AMNH, 1 ANSP, 103 USNM/FWS).
Additional records: Hansford Co.: Gruver (Jones et al., 1988). Lipscomb Co.: Tyson Ranch, 8 mi NW Higgins (Hollander et al., 1987; Jones et al., 1988). Hutchinson Co.: 9 mi E Stinnett (Blair, 1954; Jones et al., 1988). Roberts Co.: 10 mi S, 15 mi E Spearman (Jones et al., 1988). Denton Co.: Pilot Point (Wiseman et al., 1962); Denton (Wiseman et al., 1962). Dallas Co.: Dallas (Wiseman et al., 1962). Howard Co.: no specific locality (Davis, 1974). Sterling Co.: 4 mi S, 4 mi E Sterling City (Manning et al., 1987). McLennan Co.: no specific locality (Davis, 1974). Montgomery Co.: Conroe (Wiseman et al., 1962). Brewster Co.: 10.5 mi N Panther Junction (Smith, 1975); Emory Peak, BBNP (Easterla, 1975). Travis Co.: Austin (Wiseman et al., 1962). Kerr Co.: 16 mi S Kerrville (Muliak, 1943). Harris Co.: Houston (Wiseman et al., 1962). Real Co.: Leaky (Manning et al., 1987). Bexar Co.: San Antonio (Wiseman et al., 1962). Wharton Co.: Wharton (Wiseman et al., 1962). Wilson Co.: Floresville (Wiseman et al., 1962). Refugio Co.: no specific locality (Davis, 1974). Nueces Co.: no specific locality (Davis, 1974). Hidalgo Co.: Edinburg (Muliak, 1943). Cameron Co.: no specific locality (Davis, 1974).
Specimens After 1991
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