Myotis yumanensis(H. Allen, 1864)
Yuma Myotis
Family: Vespertilionidae

Specimens Prior to 1991
(Why two sections?)Why two different sections for specimen data?
Specimen data prior to 1991 was included in the first edition of the Bats of Texas and included only basic information. For the second edition of the book, ancillary information such as catalog number, sex, tissue numbers, etc. was collected.
Rather than mix the two sets of data into one table (which would include hundreds of empty cells for specimens prior to 1991), the two data sets were separated and formatted to best display the information.
Specimens examined, 114: El Paso Co.: El Paso, 1 (UTEP). Pecos Co.: 14.6 mi N, 19.2 mi E Marathon, 4,500 ft., 1 (TTU). Jeff Davis Co.: 3 mi E jct. hwys. 166 and 118, 1 (TTU); Sawtooth Mt., 3 (TTU); Espy tank, 0.5 mi SE Madera Canyon Campground, 1 (TTU); 2 mi S Ft. Davis, 1 (UMMZ); 8 mi S Ft. Davis, 1 (TTU). Presidio Co.: 11 mi W Valentine, 3 (TNHC); ZH Canyon, Sierra Vieja, 1 (TTU); Chinati Mts., 1 (TTU); 9 mi SW Valentine, 1 (CCSU); 3 mi NE Porvenir, 1 (FMNH); 30 mi SE Redford, 5 (MWSU). Brewster Co.: Marathon, 1 (USNM/FWS); 38 mi S, 14 mi E Marathon, 1 (UIMNH); BGWMA, 3 (DMNHT); 27 mi N Government Springs, 2 (AMNH); 4.5 mi SE Maravillas Creek on the Rio Grande, 1 (DMNHT); Terlingua ghost town, 4 (MWSU); 2 mi E Terlingua, 1 (TTU); Kennedy Ranch, 5 (DMNHT); Boot Springs, BBNP, 1 (UMMZ); Rio Grande Village waterhole, BBNP, 1 (BBNHA); Hot Springs Motel, BBNP, 1 (BBNHA); Kibee Springs, BBNP, 5,700 ft., 1 (FMNH); mouth Santa Elena Canyon, BBNP, 1 (MVZ); 1 mi SW Boquillas, 1,850 ft., BBNP, 2 (MVZ); BBNP, no specific locality, 2 (TTU). Val Verde Co.: 12 mi W Comstock, 2 (TTU); 10 mi W Comstock, 21 (TCWC); Comstock railroad tunnel, 12 mi W, 3 mi S Comstock, 3 (TTU); Mile Long Cave, 0.75 mi E Langtry, 1 (TTU); 11 mi ESE Langtry, 18 (MWSU); jct. Pecos and Rio Grande rivers, 2 (USNM/FWS); Shumla, Old S.P. Tunnel, 5 (LACM); Shumla, Rio Grande River, 3 (LACM); 8 mi W Del Rio, 9 (USNM/FWS). Starr Co.: Rio Grande, 2 (TNHC).
Specimens After 1991
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